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Half Price Books Ross Township
Bookstore Address 4932 Mcknight Rd Pittsburgh PA 15237 United States
Phone: (412) 585-2651
About Us
It was 1972. Corporate dropout Ken Gjemre and fellow bibliophile Pat Anderson opened a used-book shop in an old laundromat in Dallas, Texas. They ran ads in the local paper, declaring “We Buy Books,” and soon found themselves with a few thousand books and hordes of customers. “You could stir them with a stick,” Ken said.
And now? With more than 120 stores across the country, plus a website with customers and sellers around the globe, we’ve become America’s largest family-owned retailer for new and used books.
Store Hours
Monday – Saturday: 10AM – 8PM
Sunday: 11AM – 7PM
4932 Mcknight Rd Pittsburgh PA 15237 United States